Thursday, November 12, 2009

16 September 2009

We had her appointment on Monday and the Paediatrician upped her dose. We've got to up it every 5 days until she's on 5ml Epilim twice daily. If that doesn't work they're going to try another medicine and maybe do some more tests.

Olivia's appointment was at 4pm and we got home at 8.45pm. They wanted a urine sample which she provided in the potty about an hour after and then they wanted to take some blood samples.
They'd put the magic cream on but when the nurse tried to get blood Olivia's vein collapsed so she didn't want to try again. She said a Doctor was on the way.

A couple of hours later a Doctor came but by then the magic cream had worn off so poor Olivia was crying her eyes out and they have several vials to fill. The Doctor also had trouble and eventually didn't bother with the needle and just squeezed the blood out of her hand into a vial. It was horrible.

On the way home she kept saying her hand was hurting and it was swollen, even the following day.
The trouble is she's going to have to have blood taken a few times on this medicine and no way in the world are they doing it like that again.

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