Monday, February 21, 2011

21 February 2011

Oops it's been a while again!  Olivia had her Sleep Deprived EEG on Friday 11th Feb.  We had to keep her up until 10pm and wake her at 4am.  She had to stay awake until her EEG at 11am in Southampton which she did and once the wires were attached she fell asleep which was just what they wanted.  She did brilliantly, bless her.

The only unfortunate thing is that Olivia has been really alert and with-it since the week before so I'd be surprised if it'll show anything.

Over the last couple of weeks her speech and memory has improved dramatically, even week to week you can see the difference.  She's now using her connecting words (saying "duh" for "the" but that's normal) and knows her colours and what things are called.

She did have a long absence this morning though (hence why I've even thought to come on here).  Grace noticed and called me and was frantically waving her hands in front of Livvie's eyes.  She said she could tell when she walked in to the room and looked at Olivia as she was staring.  She then tried to get her attention, then called me and when I went up to Olivia I could see she wasn't focusing or responding to us.  I asked if she was okay a few times then she was back with us.  It didn't seem to bother her but she was quite quiet afterwards.

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