Friday, June 17, 2011

17 June 2011

Olivia's been fine for a few weeks.  She's been to speech therapy for the last 2 weeks and the therapist has done some formal assessments of her development so we've got something to compare to when she's not very well.  She's also trying the technique for stammering to see if it'll help Olivia.  She's not convinced it will help and neither is the Paediatrician as it's not a normal stutter but we can at least try.

Olivia has had 2 afternoon story times at school.  She wasn't overly impressed the first week but loved the 2nd and keeps asking when she can go again so we're really pleased.

She's woken in the night screaming again the last 2 nights and has a mild stutter yesterday so I'm hoping this isn't a sign of a dip again.

Olivia keeps getting pins and needles in her feet.  She cries and says her feet are fizzing.  I mentioned it to the Paediatrician but he doesn't think there's any relevance.

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